First week...check!

Well, the first official week is behind us here at KP Photography & Headshots!

And nothing screams "First Major Milestone" like publishing a website, am I right?! And wow - let me tell you just how rewarding it is to see all of your work come together on a pretty little website. It has me doing my own little version of a happy dance. 

In case you're's how I wound up here:

My interest in photography really just started as a simple quest to learn how to use my DSLR. Because I had some important things to photograph, you know, like my dogs. And those cookies I love to make from scratch. 

So, I finally learned how to broaden my horizons beyond Auto mode and - just like that - this hobby took on a life of its own. Now, photography has turned into a huge part of my life, both as a creative challenge and as a service I am thrilled to provide for friends, friends of friends, and everyone in between. 

Now I've made the leap to offer my services to a wider market, under the alias of KP Photography & Headshots. And, that my friends, is how we ended up here.

As I begin this new endeavor, I am excited to see what direction it takes. The sky's the limit, right? I guess we'll just have to see! 

Now, it's time to settle in for a relaxing weekend with my husband and dogs. Tell me she doesn't have relaxing down to a science?