Oh Baby!

I had the pleasure of shooting maternity/family pictures for a college friend, Micah and her husband Rick. They have a VERY sweet little boy, Reeves and he's lucky enough to become a big brother this fall! He was so easy going behind the camera and I loved spending time with this growing little family. 

I was honored when Micah asked me to do pictures for them as they embark on becoming a family of four. Once he arrives, I even get the privilege of practicing some newborn shots. 

And I can't wait! 

Til then, enjoy a few of their pictures: 

John, Ashley + Baby Claire (Houston Maternity Photographer)

Well, it was another exciting week here at KP Photography + Headshots!

I had the extreme honor of photographing one of my good friends from college, John, and his sweet wife, Ashley. They're welcoming their first daughter, Claire, in October and it was such a pleasure spending time with them, but most of all helping them snap some photos that will help them remember this fleeting season of pregnancy. John and Ashley were so sweet together, constantly doting on each other and you can see in their faces - they're glowing. 

Also, over the last seven (yes, 7!) years, I've also grown very close to the aunt-to-be, Chelsea. She's John's sister and she tagged along, helping me "smooth that fly away hair" or "fix Ashley's shirt".....which was so helpful! Oh, and let's not forget, "Hey, Chels, can you grab my step ladder?". Yea, she was a lifesaver. Anyway, it's safe to say that this little baby girl will be more loved than anyone can imagine. Becoming an aunt myself has been one of the most fun "life changes" and I am excited to swap strategies on how to best spoil these nieces and nephews.

We spent a lovely Sunday doing a Heights tour: visiting John and Ashley's precious bungalow (complete with a fur-baby, Murphy), the gazebo where they were married, and lastly, a neighborhood restaurant in the Heights, none other than the fan-favorite, Downhouse. 

Now, I'll shut up and get down to business...
