The difference a year makes.

Tomorrow will be exactly one year since water took over our home during Hurricane Harvey. I've had a weird week with little glimmers of PTSD, usually when I see haunting pictures from Timehop, reminding me what life looked like one year ago. But, even with the swirl of emotions, I'm most happy that our house is put back together and we're resuming our "normal" life (if that even exists with 3 kids under 3!).

So, on the eve of the anniversary of Hurricane Harvey, I thought it would be a fun project to photograph our house, as it is today and share it with anyone who might be interested! I had fun sharing photos of our home after the first renovation, and this is no different for me. Even though the circumstances weren't ideal, I truly love decorating and it was a passion project of mine to get our home in order. It was also fun because I tried to move things around to new spots and give things a different vibe, wherever possible. Reduce, reuse and recycle, #amiright?

We also got to add on an upstairs playroom, WOOT WOOT! It's been life changing, for all of us. The boys love having some space to play, I love having a place for the toys to live, Justin and I love watching movies at night when the kids go down.....the list goes on. It's been a really positive change for our home. We also grew into the house quicker than we anticipated, so it's given us some breathing room. It's wonderful. 

Lastly, I'll say that this experience also taught me that it's totally okay to take great pride in your home. Before the flood, I felt like it was a petty or materialistic passion of mine, but when it's something you lose, you realize that your *home* is more than name-brand decor or a game of keeping up with the Joneses. It's HOME. It's where you raise your babies, it's where you wrestle on the couch. It's where love is grown. It's where your children learn about security and family. 

So without further ado and no shame whatsoever, here's my post to brag on our little house. Enjoy!