...and we're back!

After welcoming twin boys in June of 2015, I was lucky enough to clear everything else off of my schedule and spend the entire year at home with them, enjoying every little nuance that comes with newborn life.  But along with my "early retirement" from the corporate world, I also had to put my photography business on the back burner. Life was crazy and I knew that the best way to embrace being a twin mom was to "reduce chaos". Taking that year to focus on the boys was just what the doctor ordered...we shared many fun days, many tough days and made a zillion memories in between. And also, a zillion diapers. So..many..diapers! 

During my time at home, I have still had the immense pleasure of photographing their every move (sorry, boys) so I have had plenty of time to continue learning about my camera and about myself as a photographer. And what I am sure of, is that I truly love being behind the camera. 

So now, a year later, I am finally ready to come out of my twin cave! I won't be returning to the corporate world just yet, but I am happy to announce that I will reestablish KP Photography, primarily focusing on head shot clients. 

I've already booked a few clients since my triumphant return to photography and it's been exciting to get back in the saddle. I'll share a few highlights from my first few sessions shortly! 

Please feel free to contact me if you're looking to update your head shot, whether it's to help you land that new job on LinkedIn, or to help update your blog. We're here to help and very, very happy to be back at it! 

Now, enjoy a few shots of my little people over the last year.