Power Couple

One of the best things about photography is that it allows you to keep in touch with friends, even better, it's an excuse to spend some time together! 

I met Natalia when we worked together at Halliburton in Recruitment.  I was immediately impressed by her poise and professionalism. She's confident, smart, gorgeous and - best of all - she follows her heart. It's hard to meet people in the corporate world who boldly follow their passions, but I can tell you, she's one of them! And it was awesome to finally meet her husband, Peter, who is one of Halliburton's best and brightest. 

And while I'm sad she's left the Lone Star State, I know her new career in the real estate market in Greater Detroit is going to be a tale of adventure and success. 

Best of luck to you both, Natalia and Peter. Thanks for letting me spend some time with you!