Fall mini sessions are in full swing

So, first things first. I am super thrilled to say that the Mini Sessions this year have been a great hit and I have had a ton of families sign up, both old friends and new. But, sadly, that also means my time slots are also totally full.....(haven't they figured out how to add more time to the day? Or more time to the Fall season, at least?). 

It pains me to ever turn a new client down, because frankly I would love to be as accommodating as possible and I truly love providing photos for families that are affordable and special during the fall. But, what I am learning (sometimes the hard way) is that time is not unlimited. And, because I am a mom first, I have to remember that if I have too many pots on the fire, then I risk doing the "mom/wife" gig poorly. Which, ain't nobody got time for that! 

OKAY, enough of that. The awesome news is that I've kicked off my mini-session season with some amazingly gorgeous clients, and I'm excited to share some highlights from my time with these families. 

First up is the Cavazos Family, with pretty much the most gorgeous toddler that walks this earth. 

Those lashes, right?! 

Those lashes, right?! 

Love this family! They're like my own family, pretty much. So glad to be doing life with them! 

Love this family! They're like my own family, pretty much. So glad to be doing life with them! 

Colin and his keys....

Colin and his keys....